i convinced the girl at CVS to cross process a handful of film I had been putting off developing. Once again I received some dirty looks when I picked them up. Often times I shoot so much with my T4 that I forget what is on rolls and have them processed at pharmacies and end up having photos of my friends naked doing inappropriate things. I've been busy lately putting together a new portfolio (I have some pretty awesome stuff in the works. Should everything go as planned I'll be walking around with a smug little smile for a week or so. But that's another day's conversation.) and I've been neglecting a lot of other things...like scanning and posting on this blog.
I switched kevinconvery.com to a new server a month or two ago when my previous server went belly up without warning. My new server seems pretty reliable and they offer a lot of other fun services like Wordpress. Nothing against blogger but I'd rather have the website and the blog in the same place. In the next few days I'm planning on switching this blog over to wordpress on kevinconvery.com/blog instead of a redirect.
I apologize to the handful of people that read this but I won't be posting any photos today just some nonsense.
Things to look forward to:
-Sure Juror's new album, The Yardgobbler, will have a 20 or so page PDF full of fun artwork and photos by myself and jon/drew/alex
-upcoming new 'serious' work (overly sexual, film noir, mildly creepy. I'm excited. I'm buying a smoke machine.)
-putting together a book of fun stuff with Jonathan's help. (don't expect this anytime soon.)
-My friends and I are in the beginning stages of writing/filming a series of shorts for the internet not unlike a television show. More info as things come up.
-Friends of Project Basho show in a month or so. I'll have a handful of prints there and hopefully it will be the new stuff. More info blah blah...